Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

ScriptlyAi is a marketplace for buying and selling prompts for DALLĀ·E, GPT, Stable Diffusion + Midjourney. Prompts are sentences of text that are fed into complex AI models to get a desired output, for example and image of a certain object in a certain style.

A Prompt Engineer is a new kind of technician, skilled at crafting the text prompts required for an AI model to produce consistent outputs (e.g. images, text or code).

Scriptlyai sellers keep 80% of every sale of their AI prompt and on custom prompt jobs. ScriptlyAI takes a 20% fee which helps run our platform and offers services like support.

We aim to review and approve a prompt within 1-2 working days.

ScriptlyAi uses Stripe to send out payments to you.

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